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Swimming Pool Blanket

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  rev. 2008-11-25        

Existing Conditions

The pool at this facility does not have a pool blanket, resulting in a higher than necessary heat loss during unoccupied periods.  Heat transfer from the pool to the air consists of sensible losses (heat transfer through convection) and latent heat losses (pool water evaporation).  Evaporation from the pool causes humidity levels in the pool area increase, resulting in mechanical equipment having to work harder.  High humidity levels can lead to other problems such as rotting around window frames, molds and mildew, condensation on walls and brick damage on the exterior of the building.

Retrofit Conditions

It is recommended that a pool blanket be installed in this facility to reduce sensible and latent heat losses from the pool when it is not in active use.  This measure will also reduce humidity levels, thus reducing the risk of building envelope damage and allowing more refined control of swimming pool exhaust fans.  The blanket should be installed on a motorized roller at the shallow [deep] end to allow operation by a single person.

Further Benefits



Application Details


Issues and Concerns



This recommendation is in accordance with Measure WC6 of the CMHC manual on Energy and Water Efficiency in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings and with Section 7.7 Heated Pools of the ASHRAE Standard on Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings.

The CMHC manual on Energy and Water Efficiency in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings can be found online at

ASHRAE Standard ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 100-1995 – Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings is an approved standard of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America and the American National Standards Institute.



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opp_SwimmingPoolBlanket         ©2017 Managing Energy Inc.