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Reduced Flood Water Temperature

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  rev. 2008-11-25        

Existing Conditions

Flooding the ice typically accounts for 12% of the ice surface refrigeration requirements.  When the flood water temperature is too high, the following problems and inefficiencies will occur:

The boiler will use more fuel to attain the higher temperature.  It will also operate at a lower efficiency.
The ice surface will pond, taking a longer time to freeze.
The refrigeration equipment will use more energy to freeze the water.
If the flood water also supplies the domestic hot water, there can be a risk of scalding in the showers.

The DHW and flood water temperature is presently maintained at xxx°F by the DHW heating aquastat.

Retrofit Conditions

It is recommended that a fixed aquastat be installed to control the water temperature to 120°F. Experiment with lower temperatures to find the lowest flood water temperature that can be used without affecting ice quality.


Further Benefits



Application Details


Issues and Concerns



This recommendation is in accordance with industry guidelines established by the Ontario Recreational Facilities Association Inc.



Analysis text here

opp_ReducedFloodWaterTemperature         ©2017 Managing Energy Inc.