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Tab 4. Opportunities

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  rev. 23/12/2010        

To save significant energy in buildings, you have to do more than simply audit invoices and choose the best utility tariffs.  You have to optimize the way the building is operated and often make physical changes in the building systems.

Open toolbox = Identified and assessed, but not approved for implementation, Checkmark = Approved, Closed toolbox = Implemented and performing

Open toolbox = Identified and assessed, but not approved for implementation, Checkmark = Approved, Closed toolbox = Implemented and performing

ManagingEnergy  refers to possible building changes as Opportunities, and Tab 4 is the place to fully describe each Opportunity.

Describe the current situation, the proposed actions, the implementation budget, and the source of your costing information.
Specify the remaining life of existing systems, and expected lifespan of the proposed equipment, for sophisticated life-cycle costing analysis.
Define and assign Opportunities to Investment Scenarios, to group similar opportunities across the building portfolio or assemble a phased financial plan.
If building changes are driven by the need to renew aging assets, ManagingEnergy  will calculate the Return On Investment on the premium for high-efficiency equipment.
Use the built-in library of typical opportunities to pre-populate much of the information and quickly put the analysis in a readable form for use by management.  Take advantage of our decades of experience in building energy retrofit.
Fully describe the opportunity and the expected effect on the utility meters in the building.  Describe existing systems as well as new equipment, for life cycle costing comparisons.

Fully describe the opportunity and the expected effect on the utility meters in the building.  Describe existing systems as well as new equipment, for life cycle costing comparisons.


gt_Module5.Opportunities         ©2011 Managing Energy Inc.