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  rev. 2008-11-25        

Existing Conditions

A central steam plant supplies high pressure (100psi) steam to the various buildings.  The steam plant was sized to match heating requirements for all of the buildings (approx. 800,000 ft2), including all heating, domestic hot water, kitchen equipment, autoclaves and sterilizers.  Presently, only about half of the facility is in use.  Equipment requiring high pressure steam is no longer in use.  The boiler plant operates continuously (100psi) through the summer months just for small domestic water heating loads and some kitchen equipment.  The boiler plant is located across the street from the building.  Heat losses from piping are high, and accounts for more than half of the consumption in the summer.  Numerous buildings are unoccupied and have an uncertain future.  These buildings include 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16, 44, 45, 46 and 47.  Building 17 is occupied, but has an uncertain future.  All other buildings are occupied and are expected to be occupied for the foreseeable future.

Retrofit Conditions

Mothball or demolish the existing steam plant and move to decentralized heating systems throughout the facility.  The new heating systems would be located in the existing  mechanical rooms in the various buildings.  Asbestos on existing steam and hot water pipes would have to be contained or removed.  The heating systems would consist of  energy efficient boilers and domestic water heaters.  Convert the existing  steam heating systems to hot water heating where practical. There will still be a requirement for steam in the kitchen and it  may prove to be uneconomical to remove steam heating in unoccupied buildings.   Install a central building automation system to provide facility wide monitoring and control.

Further Benefits

Decentralizing the steam plant will have the following added benefits:

Reduced maintenance and operation costs.
Capital renewal of the facility.
Eliminating the statutory requirement for stationary engineers under the Operating Engineers Act
Improved resident comfort (less overheating and less dramatic temperature swings), because hot water is inherently more controllable than steam

Application Details

Majority of terminal heating loads and in-building piping can be converted to hot water heat if they are not hot water already.

Issues and Concerns







Analysis text here

opp_SteamDecentralization         ©2017 Managing Energy Inc.