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Replace Electric Coil with Hot Water Coil

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  rev. 2008-11-25        

Existing Conditions

Air handler xxx has an electric heating coil, even though heating water is available.

Retrofit Conditions

The existing electric coil should be replaced with a hot water coil served from the boiler plant.  The savings come from substituting an expensive heat source for a less expensive source (natural gas).  Electricity is almost four times as expensive as the equivalent heating value of natural gas.

Further Benefits



Application Details


Issues and Concerns



This recommendation is in accordance with Measure HV12 of the CMHC manual on Energy and Water Efficiency in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings.  The CMHC manual on Energy and Water Efficiency in Multi-Unit Residential Buildings can be found online at



Analysis text here

opp_ReplaceElectricCoilwithHotWaterCoil         ©2017 Managing Energy Inc.