In mec, a Plant is a mechanical system attached to a facility record. A facility record may point to any number of plant records. Each plant record contains technical information on plant characteristics, and may point to records of one or more components within the plant. The different types of plants are indicated by letter codes:
A - Hot Water or Steam Heating Plant
B - Domestic Hot Water Plant
C - Furnace (Residential Style)
D - Baseboard / Reheat Coils / Unit Heaters (or similar)
E - Heat Pump Water Loop
F - Chilled Water Plant
G - Interior Recirculatory Air Handler, Single Zone
H - Interior Recirculatory Air Handler, Multi Zone
I - Rooftop Air Handler
J - Exhaust Fans
K - Building Envelope
L - Arena
M - Indoor Swimming Pool
N - Environmental Conditioning Unit
O - Water Meters and Fixtures
Z - Exceptional Equipment