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Ensuring zendesk Users are Assigned to the Proper Organization

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  rev. 22/09/2010        

zendesk and ManagingEnergy in general talk nicely between each other.  A new user created in ManagingEnergy automatically gets created in zendesk when that user accesses the zendesk Help Desk through ManagingEnergy.  It is important that the user is also assigned to the correct Organization in zendesk as the Organization determines which Channel Partner and Tier of support that the user's questions get assigned to.


How to Ensure that a User Gets Assigned to the Correct zendesk Support Group for a New Organization

Create Agents


Create Group

In zendesk a Group needs to be created for every channel partner that will be providing support to end users.  This is done in zendesk from the Manage, People, Groups page.  From this page you can add a new Group through a link near the top right of the page.  Create a Group for every Channel Partner that is providing support and assign the Agents needed to that group.


Create Organization

It on this page that everything gets tied together.  Key fields/areas are described below.

Map users to organization

Enter in the "Map users to organization" text box the domain names of companies/institutions that should be part of the organization.  When a new user clicks the Help Desk link at the top of ManagingEnergy their e-mail address gets passed through to zendesk. zendesk creates a new user account to match the ManagingEnergy user account and if the domain in the e-mail address matches a domain list in the "Map users to organization" the new user is assigned to the correct organization.


Map organization to group

Choose the support Group that you want to receive tickets for this organization from the "Map organization to group" drop down list.


Assign Agents to Groups

To ensure that the Channel Partner Agents get tickets for their organization you must go back to the Agents (Manage, People, Agents) and at the bottom of the screen set the "Role - previleges granted to this user" so that the agent is in the Group where their organization(s) post tickets and also a "<Channel Partner> Tier 2 Support" Group which must be set up.  Then Managing Energy Inc. (MEI) Support people are also in that "<Channel Partner> Tier 2 Support" Group.  A Tier 1 Channel Partner Agent who needs help from MEI can then choose the "<Channel Partner> Tier 2 Support> from the Group drop down list when they view a ticket.  See below for how the process works from a Channel Partner's perspective.


Note to Post on Channel Partner's zendesk Agents' Home Page - the note explains things from the Channel Partner Agent's perspective.



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