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Zendesk tickets into JIRA development issues

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  rev. 24/03/2011        

We have set up a widget within Zendesk to allow a Help Desk ticket to be passed to JIRA for development and to allow subsequent comments and file attachments to be passed back and forth between the two programs.  It is not working perfectly right now, but with a some tweaking it will allow developers to communicate directly with trouble ticket originators on those issues that require programming to be resolved.

To push an issue from Zendesk to JIRA

1.Log into the ManagingEnergy zendesk administration page.
2.Select the ticket you wish to move to JIRA.
3.Respond in comment in Zendesk that the issue has been noted, and that it will be moved to development.  Add information as required by the issue, and a timeline on when the issue will be dealt with, if possible.
4.Set Status to Open, and other fields in the Zendesk ticket as required. Do not mark the status as Pending or Solved, as this will set off an automation that will close the issue regardless of whether the problem has been solved in JIRA or not.
5.Use the Push to JIRA widget on the right hand side of the issue to move the details into JIRA. Select the project that you want to associate the widget with.
6.For the moment, set the Type as Improvement.  This is the only issue type which does not have custom fields that require modifications made to Zendesk. Type can be edited in the JIRA story after it is created. NOTE: A story exists in JIRA (MEC-484) to modify the widget to allow other issue types.
7.Select who the issue should be assigned to within the Project. If unsure of who it should be passed to, leave as blank.
8.Press Submit.
9.The story will be linked to an issue in JIRA automatically, and the widget should change within a few seconds to show the Jira issue number for reference.  If it doesn't change quickly, press the Submit button again to get it unstuck.  In this situation you may end up with two new issues in Jira, so you will have to delete one of them.
10.Log into JIRA, and go to the issue.  This is done easily by clicking on the link in the widget.  You will see a ZendeskID within the issue details, telling you that the issue originated in the Help Desk.  Edit the issue fields as necessary.
11.When the solution has gone through the JIRA work flow (i.e. is in Production or an area where the client can test the solution), go into Zendesk and add a comment to the ticket to inform the end user. Let them know they have 7 days to comment on the solution or it will be closed automatically, at which point they can initiate another ticket if there are still problems.  Set status to Pending.
12.If client responds within 7 days that there is still an issue, change Status back to Open.  Move the JIRA ticket to the appropriate spot in the development workflow.
13.If client does not respond, the Zendesk ticket status will change automatically to Solved after 7 days.  Once that has happened, Accept the Jira issue to close it.


Comments made in JIRA will automatically be pushed to the associated Zendesk issue, and vice versa. No additional steps are required.

NOTE: At the time of this writing, comments passed from  JIRA to Zendesk will not be visible to anyone outside of Managing Energy Inc. A story exists in JIRA (MEC-484) to modify the widget to allow public/internal display assignment for each comment.  If you want to create a comment visible to the ticket originator or agents, make it in Zendesk, and set the visibility to public.







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